Bible (Sermon Outline)


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Opening Story: In America, one poor man always wanted in his life to go to cruise. He was a poor man, didn’t have much money and he said before, “Before I will die, I want to go to cruise. In his mid-40s, he is only worried in one thing: He bought the cruise ticket but he didn’t have enough money he thought to eat in that great dining room. So he will walk in those huge cruise feast and he will smell the food but he brought a lot of cheese and crackers with him so the first day, he ate cheese and crackers… and in the 4th day he looked if he had any money left… The smell was so great the he was forced to ask, “How much would it cost If I ate in the banquet?” and they looked at his ticket and they said, “Didn’t you know that you signed up in this cruise and all the food was FREE?!... –he was living on cheese and crackers, while he could feast in the great banquet hall!
  There are many Christians that are Rich but they don’t know it. They are walking Spiritually weak and lacking and discouraged, discouraged feeling guilty. They are frustrated about on what’s happening in their lives…
Four Great Blessings that God gave to Every Christians and Four Things that Christians Do Not Have:
-God has given to us the riches of every single Spiritual Blessing. Everything he has Promised is Ours in Christ.
 There are four things that Christians struggled with that are totally Unnecessary
The Devil have four Great Diseases that Inflicts Christian, Just like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and stroke –this diseases destroys our physical life. And this disease destroys our Spiritual Life.

First: “No Condemnation” [Romans 8:1]
-There is no Condemnation to those who are in Christ. When you and I come to Jesus, We open our hearts to His Love and grace, There is no Condemnation. We may Have guilt at times But we have no Guiltiness. You see a Christian may feel the pangs of guilt but they do not live in a state of Guiltiness.
*Is Guilt Good or Bad? (Is electricity good or bad?) [Ans. YES]
Can guilt ever be Reconstructive? But is Guilt at times Destructive?
When is guilt good? And When is guilt Bad?
-Guilt is good if it leads us to Jesus. Guilt is Bad if it occurs After we have confessed our sins and brought them to Jesus.
 SO when guilt serves as a Function of leading us to a meaningful Relationship with Christ in which we confessed our sins and then guilt becomes a very Positive thing…

When You feel Guilt that drives you to Jesus, that is a sense of moving of the Holy Spirit in your Life. But if you feel guilty for Two Reasons:
1.) After you Confessed your sins, and still it keeps bothering you and Troubling You… That’s the devil so that you will not have the Joy of Forgiveness of Jesus.
2.) Also The Devil will say to you, “You’re not Good Enough!”

*Second Blessing Eph. 1:3,4
-God chose you for Salvation before the World was Created. You were chosen for Salvation Before the Foundation of the World in Christ. Before you were ever conceived in the womb of your mother, you were born in the mind of God. He chose You before the Beginning of the World! He chose You, He has Justified you, He has Sanctified You, and He Will Glorify You in the Coming of Jesus Christ. In Christ, I am Justified! In Christ by Faith, He lives in my Life and Produces Holiness in me! I do not Produce Holiness in myself, He Produces Holiness in me through the Power of the Holy Spirit. [verse 5]
Before you were Born, God predestined a Plan in your Life that you will be His Son and that you will be His daughter. Living in this Blessing Enables us, not only to know that we are forgiven in the past, But to Live Holy Life in the Present.

[verse 7]
 E.G.W living in Australia in 1896 wrote an ENCOURAGEMENT LETTER…
Lay Your Feeling of guiltiness at the foot of the cross.”
*Coming to Jesus I can Confess my sins… I can say I’m Yours..
*A Christian’s desire and intend is to do God’s Will. But there are times that because of our humanness, we fail… The Question is not a Rebellious Heart But “WHERE IS YOUR COMMITMENT? WHERE IS YOUR DEDICATION?”
Remember the Parable of the Lost Son… He said, “I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants.”.
 “And the son arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.”

Four things Christians do not have…
SECOND –Romans 8:12,15  [We Do not have the Spirit of Bondage]
Martin Luther said this…

-We are no longer in Bondage! Because Romasn 5:20 says
The grace that Produces Forgiveness…
Romans 5:20 – “Abounding Grace
-The Grace is Bigger Than Sin!...
-We do not Overcome by Will Power, We overcome by God’s Power
“The bondage of sin is broken in Jesus”
 Story: 1994 Genocide at Rwanda (half a million Tutsi died in just 6 months.. After the Genocide, a New Government took place.. And the Police officer called the man and the man went to the station. The police took the killers and gave a whip to the man and said “You can do whatever you want to them. You can beat them as much as you can and take out all your anger”.. But the man said, “I cannot lift a hand against them because I have already FORGIVEN them.”
-Only the Holy Spirit can put that love in our Hearts. Only the Holy Spirit can take out our Bitterness in our hearts.
That man could have been a slave in anger, he could have been in bondage on Bitterness, Hate, and Vengeance…

*In Christ, There is No Condemnation
In Christ, The Bondage of Evil Habits, The bondage of anger, bitterness, and Lost. In Christ you and I were Changed. Were different Men and different Women.

Third: Romans 8:26-28 [There is no Purposeless living in Christ]

(verse 28) We KNOW… (Why? Because Jesus is Praying for us)
-Everything that happens to us in Christ is not good… But Jesus can turn it into good.
-God is larger than the Problem. God is bigger than difficulties. God is Greater than the Disasters that strikes in our Lives.

As Christians, You and I never need a Condemnation, We are Free to Christ.
 As a Christian, We never held in the Bondage because the grace of God can Break the Bondage of Sin.
As a Christian, I never need to live a Purposeless life, Frustrated Life why bad things happened to good people that I can’t Understand. I can hang to Jesus by Faith
Fourth: Romans 8:33-39 [In Christ There is No SEPARATION]

 Romans 8 comes to this Glorious Climax that in Christ
                                                                                  Through Christ
                                                                       And Because of Christ
We are United to the Father and Nothing can Separate a Believer in Christ!

As you leave this church this afternoon, GO OUT AND REJOICE THAT IN CHRIST THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION




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